Monday, April 19, 2010


its been a really long time since iv blogged here.. i jus read wat i wrote bak wen i was 17 damn!! i was sucha kid!1 buti was extremly happy... there was nothing datmade me feel bad.. an i told myself dat tym itself dat if things get touhg il take it head on! but i guess the curse of growing up is inevetible... no matter how hard we try we can never become kids again.. but those days were thebest o my life!! volley ball an playing all the time.. those days i din giv a fuk who was popular or not i had a steady group o friends an dat was good enough for me but once i got trapped into this world of being popular things started taking a downward spiral but i learnt my lesson.. an im very happy in coll but iv changed a lot since bak then some characetristics are still the same like my need an ablity to lead but my personality has undergone some cahnges.. im never gonna b a kid again an that a fact i jushav to accept that thisis the harsh reality of life... n role wit it.... it feels so nice to ryt wit no inhibition at all.. as in i can type as much as i woant with no fear of whos going to read it an make judgements of me... this kinda typing is so peaceful it truly explains wats going on im my heart...